All men are welcome to join us in Fellowship Hall the 2nd Saturday of each month for nourishment and fellowship. (September-June) .
United Methodist Men shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily his will. [Our] primary purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships. – The Book of Discipline, The United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Men’s ministry at Grace UMC is a core group of men, partnering with Pastor Jim Miller, to invite and initiate spiritual growth opportunities for all men of the church. Everyone has different gifts, graces and areas of interest. The opportunities for participation includes diverse ministries of the church. The focus of UMM is not inward, concentrating only on those who attend a set meeting, but outward to all men, assisting them to engage the process of spiritual growth.
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Grace United Methodist Church is a member of the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. You can visit the Baltimore Washington Conference website at You may also visit the United Methodist Church website at