In-Person Worship every Sunday
Join us each Sunday for coffee and conversation!
There is something for everyone at Grace. Come and find your spot!
Zoom ID: 832-476-6469, Password: 557236 By phone- dial 301-715-8592 (click for details)
Our Sunday services offer messages that are relevant to everyday life and each service lasts about an hour. Worship is for everyone who longs for God. We welcome you wherever you are in your journey of faith. Worship is about honoring and praising our Lord and Savior. It is a time when we gather together to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit, and express our joy and gratitude. The power of God’s word touches those who are hurting and awakens hope for the hopeless. We invite you to celebrate the good news in Jesus Christ! Attend our in-person services at 8 & 10:30am. The 10:30 service is also broadcast online every Sunday.
Holy Communion is offered each Sunday at the 8am service or the first Sunday of each month at the 10:30am service.
Grace United Methodist Church is a member of the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. You can visit the Baltimore Washington Conference website at You may also visit the United Methodist Church website at