Following the guidelines of the Baltimore-Washington United Methodist Church Conference for all conference churches to review the Safe Sanctuary Policy on a regular basis, the Grace UMC Staff Parish Relations Committee has completed the review and updated the Safe Sanctuaries Policy for the Protection of Children, Youth and Vulnerable People for Grace UMC. The updated policy has been approved by Grace UMC Church Council, June 27, 2022.
The purpose of safe sanctuary is to provide a safe environment for all persons as much as possible so that no one is harmed, yet also recognizing the need for all persons to have the opportunity to worship. The church continues its policy of performing screening and training procedures for workers involved in the care of children and youth.
A copy of the GUMC Safe Sanctuaries Policy for the Protection of Children, Youth and Vulnerable People is found below.
The Laity Sexual Misconduct Questionnaire is to be completed yearly and signed by all adults (ages 18 and up) who are to work with children, youth, and vulnerable people within the ministry of this congregation. The completed form is to be returned to the Director of Family Ministries and Christian Education or the church office for filing. Thank you!
Grace United Methodist Church is a member of the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. You can visit the Baltimore Washington Conference website at You may also visit the United Methodist Church website at